On 11/16/2011 6:36 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
Yves Bellefeuille wrote:
What percentage are using iPhones and Androids to access the internet? I'd guess it is already over 50%.
Not over 50%, but 5,5%, according to this source: http://www.netmarketshare.com/
I may have exaggerated the figure, but I don't believe it is as low as that. Smart phones have been outselling PCs for some time.
So even if the figure is less than 50%, it will soon be up there.
You are arguing two entirely different points. One 'Access' the other 'Market Share'. Likely both are very nearly right percentages. You buy a phone first to 'have a phone'. The rest are upgrades and useful features, but just because you buy a smart phone doesn't mean that is now your single method for 'accessing the net'.
John Hinton