JohnS wrote:
On Sun, 2009-04-05 at 11:34 -0500, Lanny Marcus wrote:
On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 6:59 AM, Jim Perrin wrote:
On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 7:40 AM, jarmo wrote:
I found reason, why update wont go. I have installed much newer glibc, than what comes with 5.3. I needed that, because of couple radioamateur progs. Now have to think, how do I downgrade glibc. If I try remove, there's over 600 pagages, which have to remove and that's not good.
I'm rather surprised that your system is even 'mostly' funcitonal after having updated glibc. It's a core package that nearly everything in the distro requires, and is built against. I'm curious as to why you forced in a glibc update instead of rebuilding radioamateur to suit the existing glibc?
Jarmo: If you need the "latest and greatest" stuff, to run the ham radio software, this may not be the best distro for you. This is an Enterprise distro, which rarely, if ever, has the "latest and greatest". If you break it, you get to keep the pieces. Read the information on the CentOS Wiki, about why not to do what you did and how to configure the priorities plugin. 73, Lanny
My Two CentOS! It is the latest and greatest for Ham Radio. Or you can get it from Karans Repo ""
The average ham want have a clue how to use it on CentOS. I've often thought about a Wiki Article on it. I'm just waiting on Yaesu FT 9000DX support.
Hamlib is just that a "Libary" other apps interface with the lib to be able to use it. If the OP wants a turn key system he look the Debian Way. It provide everything from logging to radio control.
Yes - as long as it builds on CentOS then CentOS is a good platform if you want stability. Newer distro's like Fedora etc. often have other instability issues because they are bleeding edge in too many areas.
But if you have a specific need, what you need builds on CentOS, then using a stable OS as your base certainly shouldn't be discouraged.