-------- Original Message  --------
Subject: Re: [CentOS] Trouble with 5.2==>5.3 upgrade
From: Blake Hudson <blake@ispn.net>
To: CentOS mailing list <centos@centos.org>
Date: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 4:12:25 PM
-------- Original Message  --------
Subject: [CentOS] Trouble with 5.2==>5.3 upgrade
From: R P Herrold <herrold@centos.org>
To: CentOS mailing list <centos@centos.org>
Date: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 3:58:09 PM
On Wed, 8 Apr 2009, fred smith wrote:

Downloading Packages:
(1/1): kernel-2.6.18-128. 100% |=========================|  15 MB    05:41
http://centos.mirror.nac.net/5.3/updates/i386/RPMS/kernel-2.6.18-128.1.6.el5.i686.rpm: [Errno -1] Package does not match intended download
Trying other mirror.
http://mirror-status.centos.org/ is listing http://centos.mirror.nac.net/
as 2 days late, so you might have been hitting an incomplete mirror.
Wouldn't surprise me. But I've tried this probably 10 times in the last
2-3 hours, would I always be that unlucky?

And if so, how would I avoid that mirror?

This issue was just raised in the main IRC channel as well. 
By temporarily adding a line to /etc/hosts on the machine 
seeking to pull updates, of the follow form, it will fail on 
over to the next suggested entry:	centos.mirror.nac.net

Remember to pull it out again in a few days.

-- Russ herrold

Yes, unfortunately the mechanism within yum to try another mirror automatically seems to be broken in this instance. Perhaps someone with more knowledge about yum can take a look?


Any reason these bad mirrors are not pulled out of the rotation?  I had no idea that a single old mirror would stop yum in its tracks.