On Mon, 2006-01-16 at 15:58 -0500, Dan Pritts wrote:
On Thu, Jan 05, 2006 at 09:37:48AM +1100, Peter Kitchener wrote:
If you're looking at backing up to Tape, AMANDA is a great solution, we use it at work and haven't had problems with her. www.amanda.org is the website if you wanted to check it out.
another supposedly-reasonable solution is called "bacula" (i have not used it).
A great solution for backing up to a remote disk is backuppc, which i do use and i love.
Guys, the more I use backuppc, the more I like it :)
Though it is a PITA to get configured ... once it is working, it is quite flexible. I am working on a CentOS RPM for extras, but it is also a PITA to fix the configurations for the RPM too :)
Hopefully an RPM soon.