On Nov 25, 2008, at 4:12 AM, Davide Cittaro wrote:
Hi all, I'm new to Centos, just moved here from Gentoo Linux. I have to install a server for bioinformatics purposes and I see that default yum repositories do not include any bioinformatics software (i.e. ncbi-toolkit, blat, and others). I'm googling a bit but I can't find a valuable solution: which is (or which are) the best repository I should add to have a satisfying list of bioinfo rpm?
/* Davide Cittaro
Some of these packages (perl-bioperl, python-biopython, wise2) can also be found in Fedora. I have usually been able to rebuild the src rpms for CentOS without difficulty. Rpmforge has most of the perl packages required.
Tony Schreiner