William L. Maltby wrote:
Power condition - old version mode page:
warning: mode page seems malformed
The page number field should be 0x0d, but is 0x05 IDLE-OLD 0 [cha: n, def: 0, sav: 0] STBY-OLD 0 [cha: n, def: 0, sav: 0] ICT-OLD 272564736 [cha: y, def:272564736, sav:272564736] SCT-OLD 1073676288 [cha: y, def:1073676288, sav:1073676288] Power condition mode page:
warning: mode page seems malformed
The page number field should be 0x1a, but is 0x05 IDLE 0 [cha: n, def: 0, sav: 0] STANDBY 0 [cha: n, def: 0, sav: 0] ICT 272564736 [cha: y, def:272564736, sav:272564736] SCT 1073676288 [cha: y, def:1073676288, sav:1073676288]
From those results, it doesn't look like your problem is a power issue.
_Unless_ the drive itself has a fault. But that doesn't sound like the case, as it's fine on your other box.
Maybe a problem with your USB port that you are plugging it into? Try another drive or USB device (e.g. USB flash drive) in the same port to see if you get any errors.