On Mon, Aug 05, 2019 at 08:57:45PM -0400, Fred Smith (fredex@fcshome.stoneham.ma.us) wrote:
Hi all!
I'm stuck on something really bizarre that is happening to a product I "own" at work. It's a C program, built on CentOS, runs on CentOs or RHEL, has been in circulation since the early 00's, is in use at hundreds of sites.
recently, at multiple customer sites it has started just going away. no core file (yes, ulimit is configured), nothing in any of its (several) log files. it's just gone.
Late to the thread but since it has not been suggested: Have you tried to statically link all libs?
Then use Frank Cox's suggestion to use printf's at location thoughout the source code.
I know it will be big (depending on the number of libs) But this way you are sure that the compile is against a known (yours) set of libs!
Also have you recompiled it and given the new binaries to the customers?
Just an idea ..