Johnny Hughes wrote:
On 06/13/2012 12:18 PM, wrote:
CentOS 6.2. I have a 2TB drive, one partition, which is used for online backups. It filled up the other day. I moved a couple of b/u directories off it, and deleted the originals, which should have given me 42G free. I also reduced the reserved blocks by 1/3rd.
I've just finished an fsck, which it needed anyway, and in which there was a problem in an HTREE directory node.
df *still* tells me that there are zero bytes free.
A 2TB drive is 2048 GB. If it was 100% full, and if you freed up 42GB, then it would be: 2006/2048 = 98% full (well, 97.95% to be exact). so it would only show 2% space free max anyway.
Actually, IIRC, one directory was 42G, and the other was 15G or so. That, along with reducing the reserved blocks on the f/s should have given me 3%-4%. I know that; what's driving me nuts is df, not df -h, is showing "available" as a blank.
Oh, and for the other folks who wondered, we use rsync with hard links.