On 9/14/2009 9:11 AM, Johnny Hughes wrote:
On 09/14/2009 07:42 AM, Christoph Maser wrote:
Am Montag, den 14.09.2009, 14:28 +0200 schrieb Johnny Hughes:
On 09/14/2009 05:01 AM, Christoph Maser wrote:
Am Montag, den 14.09.2009, 11:48 +0200 schrieb Ralph Angenendt:
On Mon, 2009-09-14 at 16:43 +0700, David Suhendrik wrote:
The sound is bad,
/ Lance vanished from the project some time in 2008. Everybody needs time off from projects from time to time, so there was no real need to worry about that. What there was to worry about is the following: Lance is the only one, who can make active changes to the centos.org domain, as he “owns it”. Nobody else in the team is able to add nameservers, for instance. Recently he put an anonymizing service on the domain, so that nobody from the outside can see who that domain belongs to. /
Ummm. That mostly has been resolved around a month ago, you might want to check dates on things you mail somewhere.
Btw the homepage says:
" More information will follow soon. [..] Last Update: August 1, 2009 04:34 UTC by Donavan Nelson"
Today is September 14th, so what does "soon" mean here?
Soon means we will post when something changes.
The last update is still correct.
The CentOS project has the domain names in question, we have released 4.8, we have some packages from 5.4 in question, and everything is 100% solved from a technical stand point.
Basically CentOS is exactly what it was before any of this happened from a technical standpoint.
Updates to packages are happening within 24 hours, 5.4 is on track and will soon be pushed soon.
If you want a multi-billion dollar corporation behind your Linux distribution, then use RHEL nad pay for it.
If you want what you have gotten from CentOS for the last 5 years, you are getting that now.
Do we have to have this conversation again?
Thanks, Johnny Hughes
Actually I was much more interested in non technical info. Like what happend to donations in the past. How will donations in the future be used/handled. Will there be a cashier etc. etc.
Do you ask Slackware or Gentoo or Debian or Ubuntu to explain the same things?
We are working out those details right now.
However, we are NOT accepting monetary donations at this point. We will not accept monetary donations until there is something in place where more than one person has to approve any spending and some kind of committee is in place to manage incoming and outgoing funds.
We have not worked out all the details of exactly how we will do this at this point. We will before we accept any monetary donations in the future.
However, I am not sure WHY you want to know these things. We do not require anyone to donate to the project to use the software. We do have expenses (like DVDs to hand out, posters to print, rooms to pay for at Linux conferences, bandwidth and machines for some services, etc.). We would not spend any donations on anything other than those things or to pay developer expenses to maintain hardware and software required to produce CentOS (replace a hard drive that fails, buy a network switch, replace a bad power supply, pay for bandwidth, etc.)
Thanks, Johnny Hughes
CentOS mailing list CentOS@centos.org http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos
Why do we want to know? Because of one person's disappearance the project nearly went boom. Because by your own admission(the devs) the funds were NOT going to further the project. If you can't get a thicker skin maybe you need a vacation.