Il 11/12/20 12:59, Konstantin Boyandin via CentOS ha scritto:
On 11.12.2020 17:41, Alessandro Baggi wrote:
Il 11/12/20 10:24, Konstantin Boyandin via CentOS ha scritto:
My primary objection is breach of trust. RH shouldn't have lied at least to CentOS community.
Other bug-to-bug compatible RHEL clones will replace the CentOS, so this is the part I am less worried about. If someone is happy with CentOS Stream, that's fine. I am not, but that's (not only) my problem.
Centos Stream is NOT a REPLACEMENT of CentOS, it is a different "product" used as a rhel preview (and testing platform for next rhel releases [minor/major]). This is a simple direction change for a corporation. I accept this without any problem, they have not any legal duty with CentOS community. Ethically, wow...they should ask itself WTF did they done. But no problem..many of us have imagined this since IBM ops (also if this is a centos board decision), today it is reality. Really there is nothing new for me (This is why I started to find alternatives for my case usage since 8 was released waiting the switch to see if direction was good)
The days you install CentOS as server distro for stability and compatibility are gone. I always used centos and not rhel because I don't need support. I don't need CentOS Stream so I will not use it. CentOS 8, with its all defects, was enough for me and I think I will not use rhel until forced. So for me (and many) there is not an alternative then to change ship and switch to Debian/Ubuntu LTS that are not bad systems. Intended, there are other alternatives like SUSE/OpenSUSE, OL and other...
I started intensively using Debian, Ubuntu and Kali 3+ years ago. So far, they are solid enough (talking of LTS) and quite reliable, as CentOS 6 was.
I read many times that Debian/Ubuntu LTS are not centos/rhel, this is true (they are different products) but please, stop saying this, them are not shitty distro..but when I read that many users use fedora as server distro I laugh.
I'm not in enterprise so I don't need this type of "support" and can change the distro without any problem but I will stay away from CentOS/RH products due to 0 trust in them.
For the past years, for CentOS 6,7 and 8 thank you Johnny, Rich and all other maintainers. You did a great job.
I agree, I think I leave this thread on a good line. The maintainers did great job (and I hope they will keep doing it). But "tempora mutantur, and nos mutamus in illis". Good luck to all of us.
"tempora mutantur, and nos mutamus in illis"