On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 7:27 PM, Timothy Murphy gayleard@alice.it wrote:
That is not part of the task of postfix, which is what I was discussing. In fact, it is very easy to say what I want to do with viruses and spam. I want email to pass through clamd to catch viruses, and I want email to pass through spamassassin to catch spam. I'm happy to leave the definition of spam to spamassassin, and leave Mr Bayes to do my thinking for me.
And therein lies the problem. Unfortunately spamassassin is not really the best way to stop spam. You need more. Spamassassin should just be a tool in the toolkit not the entire solution. It is CPU and bandwidth intensive. A large proportion of spam can and should be rejected, before the body of the email is received.