On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 12:38:31AM +0900, Dave Gutteridge enlightened us:
It may be that mp3 support was ripped out by upstream to avoid legal issues, but that may be resolved by a few packages available from dag such as gstreamer-ffmpeg.
Hmmm... I'm not sure what to make of this result. I installed the file from Dag that you suggested, and now Rhythmbox recognizes MP3 files, whereas before it wouldn't even load them.
But when I press play, it graphically shows the file playing (the timer counter moves along), but no sound comes out of my speakers.
I double checked and XMMS no longer plays MP3s either.
So, did the gstreamer-ffmpeg possibly do this, or might this have something to do with my recent fix to FireFox to get it playing sound?
Probably the latter. What the .asoundrc file did was configure the ALSA sound system for your user. You might try changing the output plugin on xmms to ALSA and see if it starts playing again. Same would go from Rhythmbox.