On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Jonathan Vomacka juvix88@gmail.comwrote:
CentOS Community,
It is to my understanding that the /boot partition should never be placed on LVM and should be a physical partition on the hard drives (or on top of a RAID array). Is this an accurate statement?
Yup. Because GRUB < 1.95 cannot read it http://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/Deployment_Guide-en-US/s1-lvm-diskdruid-ma...
Also please advise if the SWAP filesystem is safe to be placed under LVM, or if this should be a hard partition / hard limit as well. I am unsure if boot issues or any filesystem issues would be caused by placing them on LVM. Please educate me if possible.
The default partition from anaconda put the swap on LVM so I think that wouldn't be a problem. even if you need more swap you can make (additional) swap file. Regards,