On Sun, 2011-07-10 at 16:41 +0200, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
For example, one picture from Bosnian war where you see Serbian soldiers in in front of the barb wire and hungry civilians behind it was presented to entire world as horrible genocide comparable to Nazi's.
Truth: Serbian television responded to that picture by broadcasting video footage of that same barb wire at the same time at the same place. Video showed soldiers standing *inside* the small open storage surrounded by barb wire and civilians standing around it leaning on to the wire and talking to the members of the press, both western and local. Civilians were some starved refugees given food and crud shelter.
Journalists - some are good, some insipid and crap and some are bad - have been known to deliberately "pose" photographs. Some of these fakes have been deliberately misleading. Some of the fakes were motivated by a genuine desire to attempt to convey the seriousness of a situation which they were able to photograph or film themselves.
The war, hopefully the last in Europe, is over. We can not live in the past. Now is time for reconciliation and peace. Soon Serbia will be the 30th? member of the European Union. Remember the words to the EU anthem about brothers (Ode to Joy from Ludwig van Beethoven's 9th Symphony. Van Beethoven is a Dutch name yet Beethoven, born in Bonn, was a German.)
European Unity means peace.
Best regards,