(1) Connect USB FlashDisk on USB. this has SATA RAID driver for REDHAT 4. named... "adpahci-1.2.5571-1.rhel4.x86_64.dd".
(2) Boot from CentOS ServerCD 4.4 x86-64bit.
(3) linux dd: ------------> install..........
(4) I can see Single Disk.
(5) Install.... and... and... all clear.
My system is :
OS : CentOS 4.4 Server CD
HP DL320G5 3050
HDD : 2*80GB Seagate SATA II HDD
RAID : HP Embedded SATA RAID Controller.
All process is clear. And there is no error msg during my install.
But reboot after install finished, there are some error messages during partition mounting.
Mounting for some partitions are failed.
"/usr", "/sys" are failed to mount but "/boot", "/", "/tmp", "var" and most partitions are mounted.
Prompt appear, I enter on the system. there is no files in "/usr" directory but "/usr" directory is exist.
Other case is same.
So, I can't use "yum", "rpm", "up2date" and so on because there is not a libraries and excutables.
Is this ServerCD's problem?
And How can I solve this problem ?
Thank you.