On Thu, 2006-03-23 at 09:59 -0600, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
At 09:25 AM 3/23/2006, Craig White wrote:
On Thu, 2006-03-23 at 09:11 -0600, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
At 07:31 AM 3/23/2006, Johnny Hughes wrote:
On Thu, 2006-03-23 at 08:10 -0500, Dave wrote:
Hello, I'm looking for a centos-specific rpm version of webmin. I've
found fc3
and rh specific, but nothing for centos. Thanks. Dave.
The RHEL version from the webmin website recognizes and installs on CentOS.
Like a dream. Also usermin....
I did find problems (v 1.60, reported) with BIND server part not always honoring CHROOT and changing the /etc files.
I'm not sure that I would describe it that way...
I haven't had the issues you had but I keep my zone files in /var/named or when chroot /var/named/chroot/var/named but you wanted them in /etc/ or chroot /var/named/chroot/etc which I think caused some of the issues that you were experiencing. To Jamie's credit...he is so responsive that he changed the module configuration to let you have it your way.
It was only where you edit the named.conf or named.custom files directly. It opened the /etc files instead of the chroot files. James took it as a bug, and I am sure I will soon have this fixed.
---- I'm sure that if you check out the current development version, he already has