re-sending to list. other attempt got addressed wrong.
On 02/02/2015 02:15 PM, Tim wrote:
Am 1. Februar 2015 21:30:52 MEZ, schrieb g
while attempting to install c7, i got lost at 'repository' entry.
i canceled, loaded, looked for help for installing c7, but did not find.
i know, i did not look in right place.
if such has been posted, i missed.
so what/where is 'the right place'?
much appreciate some help.
What are you exactly searching for?
excuse my prior terseness.
i pulled;
"burned" it to a usb memory stick with;
su -c "dd if=CentOS-7.0-1406-x86_64-NetInstall.iso of=/dev/sdd"
rebooted, to usb, answered all questions up to screen where an entry asked for a "repository".
not having committed to memory, or, having written down any repositories urls, i quit install.
in searching and thru docs and faqs, i found not install instructions for centos 7, other than using;
which i pulled, "burned" to usb memory stick, rebooted to usb and ended up with about 4 lines and a notice of a failure, which i did not right down.
one thing of note, net install iso did write a new boot with 4 options, 2 of which allow me to boot into centos 6.6.
in time of doing other things and pulling emails a few minutes ago, i did return to and c&p a repo url and printed it out.
i was intending to reboot after pulling emails and noted your reply and i am replying to see what your suggestions may be, and;
thank you for replying.