On 01/10/14 11:58, Emmanuel Noobadmin wrote:
It's very simple actually. The first step in the booting process of CENTOS-7 is the application of emf to the system, following which it would initiate the cmos process to load the GPT from disk and hand over to LILO which will bootstrap the kernel from the file allocation table into the high memory area before running systemd to complete the booting process.
Yup :D.
See simple.
Or at least, simple to you and me, and most sys admins who know Linux and computers well (To be fair, if you're a decent Linux admin, you probably do).
But to a newcomer, the above would just be a random blob of text which makes them give you a blank stare.
Also, not necessarily over to Lilo, could go to grub or grub2 or any other bootloader... depends on the system configuration ;-)
Kind Regards, Jake Shipton (JakeMS) GPG Key: 0xE3C31D8F GPG Fingerprint: 7515 CC63 19BD 06F9 400A DE8A 1D0B A5CF E3C3 1D8F