On 1/8/11 12:10 PM, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 8:05 PM, derleader __derleader@abv.bg wrote:
Hi, I want to ask you is it legal to create my own distribution based on Red Hat/Centos and to sell it under different name? I will make available for everyone to see the source code. Is this against the license agreement?
Yes, you can customize the distro as you see fit. Many projects do this. But, you can't sell it.
There's no restriction in the GPL to prevent you from selling things. You just just can't prohibit the buyer/recipient from redistributing it under the GPL terms and you have to make source available. Some of the other licenses are different, but none prevent redistribution and none that I know of have terms that would prevent that redistribution being a sale.