On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 7:58 AM, Bogdan Nicolescubo2k2@yahoo.com wrote:
"....Right next to the Gentoo stand was a group of young people, proudly displaying their affiliation with CentOS. Dag Wieers, the well-known maintainer of a once very popular RPM repository, greeted me with a big smile: "Do you know CentOS?" When I introduced myself, he looked somewhat disappointed: "Oh, so you know CentOS..." Still, we found a lot to talk about. "Yes, CentOS is often considered a server operating system," explained Dag, "but we are trying to change that. In fact, the latest release has many up-to-date desktop packages and we also have an extra repository with many application and drivers that are not officially part of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)." He asserted: "CentOS can be a perfect system for those who need long-term stability and who don't want to take frequent and potentially risky upgrade paths." ...."
A serious doubt has been raised about the credibility of that story. Did the reporter indeed meet Dag at the CentOS booth? Or was it at a nearby pub?
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2558/3679382429_d535f79823_o.jpg (info offered by NedSlider)