On 14/01/07, Craig White craigwhite@azapple.com wrote:
here's my problem - system was ok and mother board died. Purchased a
motherboard and this is what I get...
# hdparm -t /dev/md1
/dev/md1: Timing buffered disk reads: 4 MB in 3.68 seconds = 1.09 MB/sec
which is dreadfully slow
Any decent system with PATA drives should show values in range 30~50 MB/sec. It would be more useful to get output from "hdparm -tT /dev/(yourdrive)"
Shots in the dark. -- Does this system have SiL drive controller chip? I ran into similar out put problem with a MSI MoBo having that chipset two years back although with SATA drives. -- Replace drive cables. I have seen degraded output with some old cables but never so much.