On Fri, 2005-07-29 at 03:54 -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
On Thu, 2005-07-28 at 23:50 -0500, Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote:
Johnny Hughes wrote:
The problem with the DVD is that it is > 2.0 GB and can not be served via apache (and even some FTP servers) because of this size. It is also a bandwidth issue and storage issue (there are about 20GB of DVDs, the entire tree is only 60GB without DVDs).
Just out of pure curiosity. What is then Red Hat using? If I remeber correctly, Fedora DVD images are available from their HTTP/FTP servers. And I guess it would be bad PR if they don't use what they ship with their flagship OS ;-)
Neither RHEL or FedoraCore is available via DVD from official Red Hat channels ... So they don't serve > 2gb files. The official mirrors for RedHat and Fedora Core are not using standard RHEL files (at least not standard RHEL 3 or 4), they say:
"Apache" and not "Apache(Red Hat)"
If you don't believe me concerning RH not distributing DVDs, see this link: http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/4/i386/iso/
This is just another way where the copy is better than the original :) _______________________________________________
I did find a 2.5gb DVD for FC4 on the duke mirror ... probably made by skvidal :) (it was not on the main fedora mirror or any other mirror I checked).
They (duke) are using lighttpd/1.3.13 to serve the DVD and on their fedora / centos mirrors. I am not sure about what OS they are using for their mirrors, as they have a mix of Fedora / RHEL / CentOS servers in http://linux.duke.edu/ , as noted here:
As a side note, official RHEL 3 and RHEL 4 DVDs are also not download- able via RHN. This is a quite frequent complaint on the mailing lists.