Hati, lets see, you have machine 1 and machine 2
let us say you are sitting on machine 1
you are trying to telnet into machine 2 to port 4965
First sit on machine 2 and do telnet localhost 4965
Are you able to?
If yes, then telnet <machine 2 IP> 4965
If succesful try telnet from machine 1 using telnet <machine 2 IP> 4965
It is on the machine 2 you should be opening up the port 4965
Thank you for your reply . The actual scenario is as the following :
I have machine#1 that I was in charge of its OS installation and I have remote access to a similar machine (machine#2) that both are running the same application program . On machine#2 console (its
ip@ , the following command can get through:
#telnet 4965
But on my machine#1 console (its
ip@ , the following command cannot get through :
#telnet 4965
With respect to the same OS and application installation , I want to know which package is missing from my OS installation so I try to just add it ?