On 09/17/2016 04:11 AM, Mauricio Tavares wrote:
On Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 6:25 AM, Alice Wonder alice@domblogger.net wrote:
Never used IPMI in my life and while I thought it was cool when I heard about it, had no plans to.
Under many different names (Sun called it LOM; I forgot IBM's
name), this has been out there for a while. And it is IMHO the best way to deal with servers. My normal server installing procedure is:
- slap server wherever it will reside
- Run the power cords
- Run the ethernet cords for both normal use and IPMI. I'd probably
be mindful of which vlans each cable goes to. 4. Fire computer up 5. Connect to the IPMI ethernet port using openipmi/whatever; by default it is generally setup to do dhcp. 6. Through ipmi, configure server's bios/raid/whatever and then boot it, feeding an ISO with the OS of choice through ipmi. Good time to do any server bios upgrade too. 7. Don't forget to change IPMI PW!
Okay if it requires DHCP this might be out, I'm currently out of town watching my brothers (various disabilities) while parents are on much needed vacation. Don't have easy physical access to the router, would have to take out stuff in front of it. Was hoping crossover ethernet would work.
Connect both to a switch attached to your dhcp server (or make
laptop provide that to ipmi) and then connect from laptop to ipmi and go do your thing.
Video cards are for desktops.
Server room I agree, home server it really makes it easy to have several terminal windows open at same time and even launch a browser to troubleshoot something without needing to ssh in from another box.