"Bryan J. Smith" thebs413@earthlink.net wrote:
If you were glued to the TV during the Katrina hurricanes and saw the (407) (Orlando) or (813) (Tampa) area code phone number to call to find out about relatives -- that was my small company's work. They were IP communications equipment deployed over a mesh network setup in minutes up to a satellite uplink -- all controlled by *1* Linux box with my scripts (and other capabilities). We're normally not into the business of providing the actual disaster services -- we're more interested in selling our stuff to others to do such. But since we're the only company with the proven capabilities (something we proved after Charlie, which hit even my house last year), we're the ones FEMA and the Coast Guard look to at a moments notice.
And yes, to make this a CentOS post, it was (and still is) running CentOS.
We normally ship RHEL 3 ES x86 in our reseller kits -- installed with a Quickstart disk, RHN setup on first-boot so they can get Red Hat updates/support, etc... yada, yada, yada. Standard "we ship a commercially supported distro" to end-users reality.
But for our own purposes -- from development to deployment -- we regularly utilize CentOS 3 x86 -- spinning our own single CD installer with our logos, etc... And that included the stuff we deployed in Louisanna, Mississippi and Texas over the last few months.
And yes, we have stuff in south Florida right now too. I'll shutup now. <marketing=off>