On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:35 PM, Keith Keller kkeller@wombat.san-francisco.ca.us wrote:
For the OP: what's the goal behind preventing an X session from locking? Perhaps there is a more elegant solution than simply disabling it.
-- kkeller@wombat.san-francisco.ca.us
It probably depends on his environment. If it's an office where people actually work for money and need to address client issues then I'm sure your colleagues won't be please if you make them loose all their work just to be an arrogant IT manager who wants to prove a point.
I don't know about you, but a user leaving his desk (for any purpose, other than going home) doesn't cause a security risk. I trust all our staff, and when Andrew goes on lunch I expect him to leave his PC unlocked. 1. It's our property and he should have any personal stuff on there, as per our NDA, that could cause problem. 2. If a client, which Andrew was busy with phones in, I or one of the other staff members would need access to that work.
So, in such a case I do think the OP has a valid question and it could be addressed more professionally than to restart X, or even the PC just to prove a point.
P.S. And I don't know the answer either.....