On Fri, Oct 03, 2008 at 10:23:46AM +0200, Sorin@Gmail wrote:
Hi all,
I got the previously mentioned Dell Poweredge 2850 with 4GB RAM and Perc4e raid controller. Installation went well and the raid is pretty fast even with level 5.
However I have another problem now... CentOS 5.2 only sees 256MB RAM. Googling a bit, got me to install kernel-PAE, this went well, but CentOS still sees only 256MB.
does your bios see 4GB? try also memtest to make sure the 4GB are there. cat /proc/meminfo and the boot lines of /var/log/messages
what does the rescue mode says? cd1 of 5.2 i386/x86_64 ?
<snip bios update>
Upon reboot, at post, it said the update failed. Now what?? I'm at a loss here. This is my first Dell Poweredge-server and I lack knowledge in the tricks-department with this one.
ask the dell poweredge mailing list, this is pretty off topic here.