I am trying to move some Centos 7 guests off of a Centos 8 host to a VMware host machine. qemu-img is a great tool in kvm to convert the files from *.qcow2 to *.vmdk very easily with the command :
qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O vmdk *.qcow2 *.vmdk
I have been able to easily move these files to the 'usb vmware' system with scp from the Centos 8 host to the VmWare host. (Interesting in that I could not get the scp in the VMware host to work).
Unfortunately, I have not figured out how to import the files into VMware virtual machine yet. I can easily create a new virtual machine with a CentOS8 *.iso file which tells me that the Vmware host is working. I may have been looking in the wrong places for documentation, but so fare I have not been impressed with VMware's documentation to import pre-existing kvm guests.
Do any of you have any tutorial links as to how to import these *.vmdk files into VMware?
Thanks for your help!!!!
Greg Ennis