On Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 03:03:29AM -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
Timothy Kesten wrote:
Hi Folks,
I have to setup a new server with a fritz-pci-ISDN-card inside. For it the fcpci-Packages from atrpm-repo is needed. Trying to install this package on a machine with the newest CentOS5-Plus Kernel I get an error message
Missing Dependency: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-8.1.14.el5 is needed by package fcpci-kmdl-2.6.18-8.1.14.el5
Okay -I have a vmlinuz-2.6.18-8.1.14.el5.centos.plus.
Any hints to solve this problem????
Thx Timothy
Do you really need the centosplus kernel?
The problem seems to be that the package was rebuilt on the standard kernel.
I have no idea how kmdl would work with the centosplus kernel as I don't personally use kmdl packages, but very few people really need the centosplus kernel unless they are doing something out of the ordinary.
if one needs any of the kmdls for the CentOS plus kernel - which I should start supporting from ATrpms proper, but until then users will need to cater for themselves - you can rebuild kmdls for it w/o a need to edit the distro-shared src.rpm.
smart/yum/apt-get install atrpms-rpm-config wget -N ..../foo-1.2.3-4.src.rpm (this is the shared src.rpm for foo kmdls) rpmbuild -bb --define 'kmdl_userland 0' foo-1.2.3-4.src.rpm
It will build kmdls for the running kernel (provided the kernel sources/headers are at the canonical place). One can also pass arguments to build kmdls for non-running kernels, if one needs to.