On 8/16/05, Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams ivazquez@ivazquez.net wrote:
On Tue, 2005-08-16 at 17:05 -0500, Mike McCarty wrote:
I am doing contract work, and was requested to install FC2 on my machine (last October). Since doing that, I have tentatively concluded that the Fedora Core Project is more or less beta test, and not really suitable for development work. Please anyone correct me if I am wrong.
This is in fact incorrect. CentOS is a better choice for remote servers or machines that you don't want to upgrade every year or so, but that doesn't make Fedora "beta" quality. It just has a more experimental nature and a shorter life cycle.
I'd say that's up for debate. I don't enjoy constantly refreshing Fedora installs on my desktop so I use CentOS. Of course, opinions are like kids (everyone has one and only theirs is right)... <snip>
Is there any reasonable hope of an "upgrade" from FC2 to CentOS 4.1 or should/must I backup, install, and restore?
A clean install is recommended, although an upgrade may be possible.
You may have some luck following the steps for upgrading a FC3-FC4 installation: