On 06/02/14 16:26, Phelps, Matt wrote:
On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 12:30 AM, Robert Arkiletian robark@gmail.com wrote:
new potential remote code exploit in Chromium flash. http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.ca/2014/02/stable-channel-update.html
Doesn't look like these repos are being updated. http://people.redhat.com/tpopela/rpms/ http://people.centos.org/hughesjr/chromium/6/
Any info on this issue would be welcome.
Yes, please. Can the CentOS folks check with their newly minted Red Hat brethren on this issue?
This is getting critical for us. We have over a hundred CO6 desktops that are currently running an insecure version of chromium. The security people are all over us on this!
We need to run chrome/chromium in order to manage our Google Apps for Government deployment (for over 1000 users). It doesn't work right with firefox.
If we need to apply pressure elsewhere, please let us know where to direct our fury.
... to Google ? (especially because it's *their* browser to support *their* Google Apps ....)