On Wed, 4 Nov 2020, Paul Heinlein wrote:
On Tue, 3 Nov 2020, Michael Hennebry wrote:
I tried to boot a Centos 8.2 install CD, one burned with Centos-8-2-2004-x86_64-boot .
In the setup, it persisted in telling me that ethernet thing enp0s25 was disconnected.
I had the same thing happen in a VM. My interface was ens192, and this worked:
# ==== %< ==== # get status of all network devices nmcli device status
# look at all the settings for ens192 nmcli connection show ens192
# enable ens192 at boot time nmcli connection modify ens192 connection.autoconnect yes
# start ens192 immediately nmcli connection up ens192 # ===== %< ====
Hope that helps.
It did. Now on to other Centos 8 issues.