"Unable to handle kernel paging request". I've saved the OOPS data from the logs for 6 panics since the 4.4 update. Two before I turned on DRI for my radeon (why not? Couldn't be any less "stable"). Did my google work and became aware it is a long-standing unfixed problem (at least through kernel 2.6.15? IIRC).
I've started reading what I can find on crash to see if I can get the whole thing. Do we have a kernel with debug symbols and associated?
I don't know if I'll pursue this. Disabled swap and that seems to be working. I'm fortunate I can do this. Others may not be so lucky. I'd like to turn swap back on, but I'll probably have to disable all that read-ahead stuff again and find the thread on the swappiness switch and try and find the list of kernel parameters *again* (I know there in here somewhere)...
Enough griping for today. Do I bugzilla CentOS, RH or ignore it?
TIA, -- Bill