On 1/11/2010 9:35 AM, James B. Byrne wrote:
I also uncovered and issue with Firefox 3.5.7 and Mac Java. If one has a Java application active in any tab then switching tabs results in the java application window staying visible, although no longer responsive. The contents of the active tab are thereby obscured while those portions of the page that are not under the java window are displayed. Switching back to the tab containing the java app restores responsiveness to the application window.
I've never liked browser tabs much so I tend to open everything in new windows - but FF 3.x should have a feature of being able to drag a tab out and have it become a window. Does doing that to the tab with the java app fix it?
I am really not enthralled with the inability to cut and paste from a Safari web page, or any desktop application for that matter, directly into a terminal window. This is a particular PAI for me as I often have to connect via ssh to remote sites and perform maintenance in vi. The inability to cut and paste is excruciating and I am investigating alternatives to mac terminal. This lack and the poor colour support in Termian.app is, to me, surprising functional omissions for a GUI orientated OS. This is a feature that I could even manage between MS-IE and cygwin's rxvt on MS-WinXP.
I'm using 10.5 and haven't found much of anything that won't cut/paste, but I use a mouse with the right button enabled and use the pop-up menus to do it (mostly because that is much less confusing when you jump around among windows/mac/linux). This should even work between local apps and virtualbox, NX, remote windows desktop, vnc, etc.
Anyway, these minor points aside (although if the AirPort connectivity issue is not resolved then that will be a show-stopper) I seem to have been captured by the light side. We will have to see if I escape or become assimilated.
If you only want to be partly assimilated you can run virtualbox or VMware fusion with other OS guests, use the NX client from www.nomachine.com with freenx/Centos on another machine, or the remote windows desktop client with windows on another machine. But, Apple has a way of timing their OS and ilife updates on a different cycle than hardware releases so don't be surprised if you have to buy those over again if you really are assimilated.