I've collected an howto somewhere from the 'net:
$ cat docs/sysadm/mdadm_recovery.txt
## define possible devices with arrays echo 'DEVICE /dev/hd[a-l]* /dev/sd[a-l]*' > mdadm.conf
## scan mdadm --examine --scan --config=mdadm.conf >> mdadm.conf
## review configuration, copy to /etc cp mdadm.conf /etc/
## create devices MAKEDEV md || { for ((i=0; i <= 31; i++)); do mknod /dev/md$i b 9 $i; done; }
## start arrays mdadm --assemble --scan
That's a fairly limited script and out of date, I've never used mknod...
Simply: # mdadm --detail --scan --verbose And look it over, then: # mdadm --detail --scan --verbose > /etc/mdadm.conf
And worry about mountpoints etc now...