On 01/10/2013 03:10 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
On 01/04/2013 11:53 AM, Ned Slider wrote:
On 04/01/13 15:59, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
In http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Amavisd
there is a recommendation to NOT use the version that comes with Centos 6.3, but to get the more current version from RPMForge.
Is this the 'correct' thing to do on a Centos-based mail server?
There is no "correct" thing to do or not to do - it's simply a recommendation (BTW, I wrote the guide).
I am working some more off your guide.
What is clamav-devel need for?
In the userid check:
# cat /etc/passwd | grep "amavis|clamav"
I get the clamav userid as clam, not clamav. Same way with the group being clam, not clamav and neither are added to the amavis group. So what to do? Am I doing something wrong or has clamav changed so that your howto needs updating?
The clamd and amavisd services are installed off, and have to be enabled with chkconfig ... on.
Oh, also, there is a clamd.amavisd service. Should that be set to on?