Timothy Murphy wrote on Sat, 25 Jul 2009 16:33:04 +0100:
which takes me to http://www.gayleard.com/drupal, where I am invited to login. I do not recall ever being asked for a drupal username or password, except for those I gave for the drupal database. But when I give these I am told, "Sorry, unrecognized username or password. Have you forgotten your password?"
Hm, sorry, when I go to that site I get the very first installation screen for drupal where the first thing you want to do is create the new admin account. I suggest you do that ASAP - otherwise *I* will do it if it's still that wide open tomorrow. If that creation fails for some reason please go to the drupal forums/mailing list for help. This is really way beyond this list.
And if you want to do yourself a favor try CMS made simple or Typolight instead.