On 02/21/2011 11:08 AM, Les Mikesell wrote:
On 2/21/11 10:35 AM, Johnny Hughes wrote:
So you are now saying that you cannot scale out this work to more people to release faster ? This is something that has to be done by Karanbir only ?
The packages have to be built in a specific order, preferably the order that they are originally produced in, so that they can be linked properly. Package A builds, then Package B, then Package C. If package B is broken, it needs to be fixed, then Package C needs to be built, etc.
This is not something that can be done by several people at the same time in parallel, no. Not and be done correctly.
Couldn't the process be wrapped into a matrix build in Hudson (or now Jenkins) across a large farm of build slaves with a list of successful builds falling out at the end? For at least the set of things that succeed in one of the common environments...
Seeing as how we are currently dealing with 2 trees in the QA directory for testing right now (4.9 and 5.6) ... 6.0 will be waiting until we get those out of QA.
So you are constrained by workspace? Or number of people involved? And you don't see that as a problem that could be corrected?
if you do not like CentOS ... use something else