Hi Everyone,
I'm experiencing the following problem, for which I've not yet found a resolution. It's been discussed elsewhere, but unfortunately nothing actually solves it.
Here's my /etc/ldap.conf file: ################# ldap_version 3 base ou=people,o=xxx uri ldaps://server1.domain.be/ ldaps://server2.domain.be/ bind_policy soft scope sub timelimit 3 bind_timelimit 5 idle_timelimit 120 referrals no ssl start_tls ssl on tls_checkpeer yes tls_cacertdir /etc/openldap/cacerts #################
And the relevant nsswitch: ################# passwd: files ldap shadow: files ldap group: files ldap #################
So that's pretty straight forward. My LDAP systems are running fine, and I can authenticate to them.
However, the problem: when the client boots *without network connectivity*, the server gets stuck/hangs at "Start System Message Bus". I've tracked this down to the following known bug in Redhat, but it dates back to early 2010. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=182464#c46
The solution works: if I comment out the "group" from nsswitch to only load from "files" and not from "ldap", it works and the system boots. However, since most systems (and that includes ours) uses groups for management, that's not a viable option.
We're running the very latest 5.6 with all packages (only from the CentOS repo's) up-to-date.
Has anyone else ever solved this to still be able to keep the group ldap entry in nsswitch.conf without having a server hang on boot if there's no network?
Regards, Mattias