Simon Wesp wrote:
Am Sonntag, den 08.11.2009, 18:20 +0000 schrieb Markus Falb:
I know that release=5 is working, but this is not what i want.
really? think about again, please!
In my Experience it is not always possible to upgrade all machines to the newest and shiniest OS out there.
This is not a distro like Whatever-Badbuntu. There *can* be problems, but I never had a problem with updating x.n to x.n+1 or x.n+2..
But if there *can* be problems, whats your point then ? I read the Release Notes and there are some known listed problems and if a listed problem is applicable to one or more of my machines i can not upgrade without further thougths. Anyway, why do you suppose i am a Ubuntu User ?
I have to maintain machines with 5.3 and machines with 5.4 and ...
shouldn't be a problem.
My argument is that i do not want have Updates offered that are not appropriate.
This isn't an argument, this is ignorance. 90% of all updates are fixes of bugs and security-issues.
I do not want to ignore Updates, I do want to decide if a update is safe or possible or (sometimes) even necessary for a given machine. Possibly doing blindly Updates is ignorant. I agree that 90% of the updates are kind of No Brainers. Whats with the rest ?
Have a look into the Release Notes, there are known issues. I know there often are Solutions, Workarounds, but thats not the point. What I want to say, there *can* and there *are* issues at times.
I dont want a Monitoring System going crazy about pending Updates.
If I have an old release running (whatever the reason may be) i need to be able to install an old release of CentOS, Packages from the old release and so on, so I need an old version lying around. All that requires the possibility to mirror by exact release (or am i blind ?). ? I was not saying: I dont want that Update stuff.
All that said, i think there are situations where exact release versioning is necessary.
- -- bests regards, markus Die Lage: Um die 8 Grad in Wien und mittlerweile trocken.