It SEEMs that jpackage has a java JDK that I can use?
That's not a java jdk, that's the compatibility rpm. As their description says "This package provides JPackage compatibility symlinks and directories for the vendor's JDK rpm." All it does is provide links.
It is 1.5.0 and the Centos instructions ( recommend 1.4.2, but oh well.
Did you LOOK at the jpackage page? There are packages for 1.4.2 java versions also. Keep in mind, you still have to get java from
So do I put in 2 yum repros in /etc/yum.repos.d?
is currently in there.
Can I add:
and install their gpg key?
then: yum install java-1.5.0-sun-compat ???
Do you want 1.5, or 1.4.2?
After that, a yum update would first hit the Centos site for updates, then the jpackage?
This will give you access to the packages that jpackage can distribute, yes.
-- "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety'' Benjamin Franklin 1775