I've got a Cento 6.2 server I'm putting together that will become a mailserver. It will have on it MailScanner and MailWatch for MailScanner. I'm using the latest stuff available and have run into a problem with changes I need to make in the /etc/sudoers file. It doesn't seem to take affect after I make the changes, so either the syntax within the file has changed or the way Centos 6.2 actives changes is different, but it's saying that "sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo".
I'm trying to enable the user "apache" to have the ability to run an executable from a web page. One of the common solutions is to do the following:
Defaults:apache !requiretty apache ALL = NOPASSWD:/program.name
also tried:
Defaults !requiretty Defaults visiblepw
Anyone have a suggestion? I've got to research the tty stuff for now to ensure there is one available, but beyond that, I'm stumped.
Thanks for any help.
steve campbell