On 10/4/19 5:55 PM, Lamar Owen wrote:
On 10/4/19 11:39 AM, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
I've kludged together a solution for those times here by using the NAT connection, but then running an OpenVPN client on the guest to an OpenVPN server with layer-2 adjacency to those sorts of devices. That has the added bonus of letting those layer-2 services work even from off-site (part of the reason I use LUKS!). I use static addresses in the OpenVPN setup as well, allowing controlled access to certain resources (like the control interface addresses and ports to our two 26-meter radio telescopes).
I also have OpenVPN server (on Mikrotik router in our office) and OpenVPN client in Windows VM and I use it in the same maner as you do :-)
If this with NetworkManager-config-server package works, I can at most times (if I want) plug a LAN to my laptop and be happy.
I am interested in what you find!