lostson wrote:
On Fri, 2011-02-25 at 08:54 +0100, Nicolas Thierry-Mieg wrote:
lostson wrote:
my versions of wicd and python-urwid are
wicd-1.7.0-3.el5 python-urwid-
<snip> > btw this is not a centos base package
"I have a broken piece of software, it's not from centos and I won't tell you where it's coming from but can you help me?" wtf?? why don't you go ask whoever made that package then?
asshole's like you assclowns like you FUCK YOU to you and centos arrogant assclowns. fucktard
language dear! think that makes you look smart? not... at least try to be creative, why does it all have to be about ass and sex? you had a bad experience?
I actually gave you two good pieces of advice: 1. if you download a random piece of software from the internet and it's broken, go ask for help where it came from, not here. 2. if you insist on posting about it here, tell us where that random piece of software came from. A package name is not sufficient, except perhaps if it comes from a repo that uses repotags.
but given your piss-poor attitude, you definitely have my blessing for finding another community to vent your frustration and anger. And asking off-topic questions, without even providing the minimal info needed for anyone to help you.