On 14.01.2011, at 22:53, mahmoud mansy wrote:
well, it`s not that dumb ass i ask u guys here that means i tried other ways to do so . but ok, if there is an update to the kernel can i do it without breaking the integerity of the system and its security,if there is not why the community don`t try to make one?
Feel free to build your own kernel, no one will hinder you, if you start such a task by creating your own repository. CentOS' primary goal is to be a binary-compatible community-version of Red Hat's Enterprise Linux (RHEL), which means that you won't see any kernel-components in CentOS, that are not in RHEL. If you need a distribution with support for bleeding edge tech, there's Fedora for that and it is doing a great job at that.
- From what I have read so far, RHEL 6 (and therefore CentOS 6, once it's out) will bring improved support for notebooks.
Gruß/Regards, Daniel Heitmann
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