I've Googled until I'm blue in the face, but haven't found a clear explanation of how I can assign each ethX device directly to the guest OS rather than going thru the usual bridge configuration. I need to allow the m0n0wall OS to assign the LAN and WAN IP addresses, if that's possible without using a bridge.
I would think that it is a little easier to setup a bridge but not assign an IP address for it on the CentOS host.
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX (where X is the interface number of one of your intel ports and the HWADDR is the MAC address)
DEVICE="ethX" ONBOOT="yes" BRIDGE="br0" HWADDR="xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx" NM_CONTROLLED="no"
Restart the network service, then run brctl show - the new bridges should show up.
Create the 8 bridges that you need and go from there, you should be able to assign them in Virtual Machine Manager to the VMs.
Then in your VM guests you should be able to assign the IPs that you want.