Le 08/12/2018 à 16:23, Pete Biggs a écrit :
thanks for the suggestion. Indeed it seems I have a problem with glibc. Version is different between x86_64 and i386 and I have two glibc-common for x86_64. Trying to remove the old one request removing half of the system packages because of the dependancies. The newest cannot be removed.
glibc-2.17-222.el7.i686 glibc-2.17-260.el7.x86_64 glibc-common-2.17-222.el7.x86_64 glibc-common-2.17-260.el7.x86_64 glibc-devel-2.17-260.el7.x86_64 glibc-headers-2.17-260.el7.x86_64
Yes, I battled with this exact same problem earlier in the week - machine crashed halfway through the big update leaving things in a very inconsistent state (lots of dupes, some library files zero length - which was fun). Took me about 12 hours in total to sort out - I was that close to just re-installing.
For glibc problem, can you do
yum erase glibc-2.17-222.el7.i686
there shouldn't be any serious dependencies on the .i686 version. If there are, just make a note and reinstall them later.
"package-cleanup --cleandupes" helped sort out some of the issues and with the remaining few it was a case of manually removing the specific versions and reinstalling what dependencies there were.
Once most of the issues were done, I then did a 'yum distrosync" (or whatever it's called) to make sure packages were correct.
I still had problems with zero length files in some places, so I installed yum-verify and ran 'yum verify' to show packages that were inconsistent - there were lots. To get a list of them I did
yum verify > yum.verify.out grep ' : ' yum.verify.out
The 'yum verify' takes a looong time, so be patient.
Thanks all for these advices. I've cleaned all these duplicates. It removed several hundreds of rpm. Two duplicates were not removables because they were depedencies of protected package (ie :yum...). After checking with "yum verify" I reinstalled near 50 packages manualy. Then "yum update" was successfull and I reinstalled (with "yum groupinstall") most of the things. Then ran again a duplicate removal with success (there were 2 packages remaining in duplicate state). The laptop is stable now and works even if my environment is a little bit different than previously. Difficult to know what is missing now.
Monday I'll update the backup of my datas (last backup was 2 days ago) and re-install this laptop (it's fast, just a pxe boot and kickstart) at work as I need to have the same config than the other users. Many thanks for your help wich allow me to understand how to solve such a situation. Crashing this laptop was not critical, just unable to work this week-end, but if this happens later on one of my servers, I have now a validated strategy to apply. This was why solving the problem was important!
And sorry Ulf for previous top posting.