On Sat, 23 Apr 2016, Liam O'Toole wrote:
On 2016-04-21, Michael Hennebry hennebry@web.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu wrote:
I've been struggling to get Firefox to render text in a sans-serif font. So far, I've only been able to do that by setting the default font as sans-serif. DejaVu Sans Mono and DajaVu Sans are the only other listed fonts that I'm reasonalbly sure are sans-serif. Helvetica and Arial are not there.
sans-serif does work on Konqueror.
Does anyone know how to affect the font-family on Firefox 38.7.0 ?
When configuring fonts you are asked if you want to "Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of my selections above". What did you choose?
Thank you. The option is hidden under an "advanced" button, but I finally found it. I changed it to allow.