Ken godee wrote:
I've done that before to get some old data off a drive and the system appended a "1" to all matching label names.
On 8/23/2012 5:42 PM, John R Pierce wrote:
On 08/23/12 4:15 PM, Jobst Schmalenbach wrote:
I will try the LABEL way of doing ....
the problem with labels, there's no guarantee they will be unique. the default labels that the centos installer uses are the same on every system, so if you plug a drive into another computer, the odds are pretty high there will be a collision.
I'll step into this again: let's look at the context.
1. a drive's failed. No conflict. 2. a server's failed, and you want something off one of its disks: a) you put it in a hot swap bay, and aren't rebooting the server - you are going to be manually mounting it, so no conflict b) you need to replace the server in -10 sec: you throw the drive(s) into a standby box, and either i. it's got partitions labelled /boot and /; fine, you *want* it to use those ii. you want a drive from another disk on that failed system: no problem - see 2.a. c) you have a system without hot swap bays, and you install the drive from the failed system, and then you do have to power up; this is the only case I can think of, off the top of my head where you have a collision. In this case, you need linux rescue, and relabel.
So, where's the big issue with std. labels?