On Sun, 23 Apr 2006, Leonard Isham wrote:
On 4/23/06, Dag Wieers dag@wieers.com wrote:
On Fri, 21 Apr 2006, Leonard Isham wrote:
On 4/20/06, sophana sophana@zizi.ath.cx wrote:
I'm trying to install amavisd-new from dag repo on centos3. In the spec file perl dependencies use parenthesis: perl(Digest::MD5) it also uses '-': perl-MailTools
The problem is that only the second notation is available: perl-MD5
I know this is an old problem. Is this only centos related? Is there a workaround?
Do I have to modify the spec file? I'd like to use yum...
I use amavisd-new as well.
I ran into some Per modules missing when using Dag. I switched to using RPMForge, which is a merger of Dag, Dries, and maybe one or two more. Since then I have not had the problem.
Next time, do us all a favor and report if something is not working.
An apology to Dag. I assumed that the goal was to move everyone to RPMForge, and I was late in making the trasition.
No apology needed, but I hate to get late feedback like this. If you have a problem, report it !
Every report that says something like "I have seen that as well and I fixed it by doing..." is frustrating because I could have fixed it as well and the problem would be there anymore in the first place for anyone.
I understand that if you have a problem and you need to get forward, you fix it first. That's normal. But if it is fixed, report it. The reason why you only got that problem, was because other people have been nice and reported other problems that you didn't have to deal with anylonger.
The reason why Linux even works is because other people made it work and took the time to report problems and fix things. So not having the time to report something, while obviously having the time to reply on the mailinglist for the very same issue is frustrating :)
BTW RPMforge == Dag if you're using EL3 or EL4, there is no difference. The aim with RPMforge is to try and make people help a project instead of an individual, but apparently it is not working very well :/
Kind regards, -- dag wieers, dag@wieers.com, http://dag.wieers.com/ -- [all I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power]